Nest RTSP Documentation


Nest RTSP is a service which is meant to help smarthome hobbiests with some technical experience access an RTSP feed from their Google/Nest cameras for use in other services such as Frigate and Home Assistant. In simple terms, Nest RTSP is an RTSP server which you're able to publish your Google/Nest Camera and Doorbell feeds to, and access via any client which can consume a UDP RTSP feed.

How it Works

Nest RTSP uses Google's Smart Device Management API to generate authenticated RTSP feed URLs and then uses FFmpeg to access those feeds and publish them into a local RTSP server. Think of it like a proxy for your Google/Nest Camera RTSP feeds, but which handles automatic reconnection and re-authentication.

Compatible Devices

The Nest RTSP is designed to be compatible with the following devices:

Additionally, you can specify the following optional environmental variables per your own specifications:

Device Tested Compatibilty Nest RTSP Version Notes
Google Nest Doorbell (wired) Confirmed v1.0
Google Nest Hub Max Unconfirmed v1.1
Google Nest Cam (outdoor or indoor, battery) Confirmed v1.1

RTSP will cause high battery utilization if camera is not plugged in to power

WebRTC Cameras require Google Chrome

Google Nest Doorbell (battery) Unconfirmed v1.1

RTSP will cause high battery utilization if camera is not plugged in to power

WebRTC Cameras require Google Chrome

Google Nest Cam with Floodlight Unconfirmed v1.1

RTSP will cause high battery utilization if camera is not plugged in to power

WebRTC Cameras require Google Chrome

Google Nest Cam (indoor, wired) Confirmed v1.0
Google Nest Cam (outdoor, wired) Confirmed v1.0

Before you get started

Are you getting lost with the technical jargon? This project may not be for you. While the maintainers of this project are happy to answer questions and troubleshoot any issues which come up, it is assumed that you have either a certain level of technical expertise, or the willingness to take time to research and learn.

Are you looking for a completely free solution? This project may not be for you. While this project has been released under the MIT license, it uses Google's proprietary Smart Device Management API which requires a non-refundable $5 registration to Google's Device Access Console for usage.

Are you looking for an Open Source Only project? This project may not be for you. While this project has been released under the MIT license, some of the dependancies are closed-source. Specifically, Google Chome is bundled main-line docker images. If you would prefer an image without Google Chrome, you may used images tagged as -nochrome, however this will impact your ability to use WebRTC cameras.

Are you on a metered or limited bandwidth connection? This project is NOT for you. Nest RTSP operates by streaming camera feeds 24/7 if possible, which will significantly increase your internet usage. That means that you streaming each camera stream twice: once to Google's servers (up); and once from Google's servers (down). If you do not have a sufficiently powerful internet connection, you will have both stream issues and internet issues. If you are on a metered connection you will increase your usage significantly.

What you'll need to get started

In order to start using Nest RTSP, youll need a Google Cloud Platform account, and a Google Device Access Console account.